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Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Residential Solar Panel Installation

Solar Panel Services
How Solar Works

Solar power is the oldest form of power, used by farmers since the dawn of agriculture thousands of years ago. It went out of fashion in a sense, since humans developed ways to burn fuel and convert small amounts of matter into highly concentrated energy over a short time. We became so used to thinking of our power consumption in this way, that it took an incredible amount of technology to bring the idea of using the sun for our energy needs back in vogue. This is why photovoltaic or PV solar panels are only recently being developed for the average consumer. Ours take advantage of the latest breakthroughs, are relatively easy to install, and are priced so that average Americans can afford them.
Solar Panel ServicesSolar Panel ServicesSolar Panel Services

Far from the inefficient solar panels installed on the white house in 1977 by President Jimmy Carter, our panels are designed to bring down the cost of your overall power consumption and bring you and your family closer to energy self-sufficiency. No longer do solar panels merely heat water. Today, our solar panels use light-sensitive materials to convert the sun’s rays into the power for your lights, appliances and gadgets.

Since energy savings is a concern, the cost and efficiency of your solar installation is obviously on our minds as well. As a forward thinking installer of solar panels, we do everything we can to ensure that your installation process won't end up costing you in the long run, despite your conscientious choice. Every customer has different power consumption needs, but depending on your habits, you can expect to save money on your power needs in the years following your solar installation.