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Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Residential Solar Panel Installation

Solar Panel Services

Residential Solar Panel Installation

Residential solar panel installation has become increasingly commonplace since the renewable energy revolution began to take hold in the early 2000s. Solar power, once the province of government buildings during the energy crisis of the 1970s, is now becoming practical for home use. Finding a contractor, though, is not as easy as it may seem. Since solar energy and solar panels in Los Angeles are now quite in demand, contractors can enter the lucrative field of residential solar installation and expect considerable business to float their way. However, Maintel, Inc.'s team wants consumers to be aware during the installation of their solar equipment, of the experience level their contractor can claim, the price they charge, and whether they prioritize customer satisfaction.
Solar Panel ServicesSolar Panel ServicesSolar Panel Services

With Maintel, Inc., you can trust our experience in matters of residential solar panel installation because we've worked in private residences for a number of years, and we know the needs and privacy concerns of customers' homes undergoing contract labor. Unlike the stereotype about contractors, we ensure that our team is respectful and courteous when working in a client's home. It's also important to be tidy, and sensitive to the needs of the client. If extra configuration or explanation is necessary, our team will be prepared to address these concerns appropriately.

Additionally, we know that your needs as a private homeowner are different from the needs of a commercial solar panel installation, and as such, your rate will be different from a business. Affordable pricing is a huge part of spreading residential solar panels as a practical alternative to existing energy sources. After your residential solar panel installation, you'll expect to see your energy bills decrease, and questions will arise in most circumstances. At Maintel, Inc., our follow-through as a business is a way of making sure you're satisfied, since satisfied customers provide the only surefire way to grow a business.

Residential Solar Panels

The advent of scientific advances like residential solar panels means that Southern Californians no longer have to dread opening their power bills every month. Sunlight is a free and extremely plentiful resource in Los Angeles. Plus, as the price of solar technology continues to decrease, many home owners and housing managers are switching to environmentally-friendly alternatives. Maintel, Inc., experts in residential solar panels, can set up your abode to run off of green power that will eventually pay for itself.

Solar panels utilize PV solar system equipment in order to collect power. PV, short for photovoltaic, changes the sun's energy into a flow of electrons that feed into your energy system. A solar panel is essentially an arrangement of solar cells (made of materials that generate a current when exposed to light) underneath a protective pane. This protects the necessary cells, allowing them to collect a charge throughout various weather conditions. Maintel, Inc. has the expertise to set-up your PV system in order to truly maximize your energy collection.

In the case of residential solar panels, this can create enough energy to completely run independently from the power company. Furthermore, depending on your home's energy use, solar panels in Los Angeles could net you money from feeding surplus energy back to your electricity provider's grid. Some localities and governmental programs may offer incentives for installing solar panels in Los Angeles. Regardless of those incentives, Maintel, Inc. prides itself in offering affordable prices for solar installations. This company believes that making the eco-friendly choice to switch to solar power should be accessible to any interested household. Get a free quote from Maintel, Inc. today!