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Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Residential Solar Panel Installation

Los Angeles, City of Sunlight

If you're a resident of Los Angeles, you're well aware of one of our most abundant and underutilized resources: the sunlight. The green movement really believes in solar power as the next wave of environmentally-friendly energy source and scientists continue to explore and develop photovoltaic (PV) systems. That being said, residential solar panels have already been developed enough to provide many benefits to homeowners and renters. Maintel, Inc., based in Los Angeles, designs and installs solar panels residentially and commercially. Plus, the company has a sterling reputation in Southern California for performing fast and reliable installations. The team at Maintel, Inc. truly believes that Los Angeles is a great place for people to take advantage of solar energy.

Why specifically does Maintel, Inc. recommend solar panels in Los Angeles? A quick estimate puts the hours of sunshine that the city gets at over 3000 per year. This means that your home's PV solar system will benefit from a constant supply of sunlight and, as such, energy production. Households that receive the proper amount of sunlight—believe us, in California you will more than qualify—will eventually pay for the cost of installation through energy bills saved. Sometimes, even, energy companies will give owners of residential solar panels money based off the surplus energy fed into the electric grid. At Maintel, Inc., we offer the most affordable solar panels around, which means yours will pay for themselves even faster.

Call Maintel, Inc. at 877-MAIN-TEL for more information or go to our online contact page for more information.