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Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Residential Solar Panel Installation

Residential Solar Electricity

As we consider our role in our country's energy dependence, Americans are turning more and more to residential solar electricity as a valid source of powering our homes. In locations as sunny as Los Angeles, residential solar panels can not only save money; they can make money for the home owners when excess energy is rechanneled back to the power company. Maintel, Inc., solar panel contractor in Southern California, is able to reliably, quickly, and affordably install panels for any residential solar electricity needs.

Why is Maintel, Inc. able to provide such affordable solar panels in Los Angeles? For one, technology is advancing all the time, meaning that the price for solar panels continues to drop. The team here at Maintel, Inc. doesn't hoard these savings; we pass them on to the customer. After all, choosing residential solar electricity is a commendable decision and home owners shouldn't be raked through the coals financially for making an environmentally-conscious decision.

Furthermore, our rates are so low because we are specialists in this field. As opposed to hiring a general contractor for your residential solar panel installation, hiring Maintel, Inc. means that you get experts who have worked out all of the problems that neophyte contractors frequently run into. After so many installations, we've learned how to do the job efficiently, saving our customers both time and money. If you're curious about the specific costs for your residential solar electricity installation, feel free to contact a friendly member of the Maintel, Inc. team for a free quote and consultation. We can be reached at 877-MAIN-TEL or through our site's contact page.